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Sanchit Kalra

full stack developer, student, little nerd

I am Sanchit Kalra. I'm currently in my junior year double majoring in Math and Electrical Engineering at BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus.

I mostly work with Node and Express but occasionally tip into the land of CSS and frontend development, but my real love still is backend development. I'm working on learning TailwindCSS and Typescript at the moment. I've started learning SwiftUI too and find it pretty interesting, feels quite similar to React.

I know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Firebase, Express, Node, MongoDB and would love to work on any project that involves these technologies.

Also, feel free to go through my blog.


BPHC Cab Share

A fast and simple way for students of BPHC to find people to share cabs with from and to campus as a Progressive Web App. Built with NextJS, Supabase, TypeScript, TailwindCSS.


A URL shortener for the students of BPHC. Uses Firebase and React.

E-Cell Launchpad Backend

Wrote the backend and led the dev team for the annual Launchpad event. Used Next, Express, MongoDB, JWT.


A to-do list app for iOS devices. Uses SwiftUI and MongoDB Realm.



  • Research Intern

    June 2022 - July 2022

    Working in the Food Vision Lab at the Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Sensors and Systems (ISenS). Working on Computer Vision, Data Acquisition, and Deep Learning.

Student Welfare Department

  • Technical Lead

    July 2022 - present

    Responsible for the entire technical infrastructure of the SWD and leading the junior team.

  • Tech Team Member

    July 2021 - July 2022

    Responsible for maintainance and upkeep of SWD website and addressing technical issues faced by the General Body.

Entrepreneurship Cell, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad

  • Senior Tech Team Member

    August 2021 - June 2022

    Responsible for leading a team of 7 people for the development of the Launchpad website and writing the backend. Also responsible for deployment and payments on the platform itself.

  • Junior Tech Team Member

    Dec 2020 - August 2021

    Responsible for developing the backend for the Launchpad event.